
inkBook 1.2.0: Handwriting, sketching and more

Recently released as a Universal Binary version, Mage Software's inkBook 1.2.0 is a handy application for note taking, sketching and handwriting recognition in a friendly package.

I downloaded and ran inkBook with my (ancient) Graphire Wacom tablet. After some initial frustration due to my lack of installed drivers for the Wacom (easily downloaded and installed), the inkBook software was a quick learn. Certain functions are really nifty; switching quickly betweeen writing and sketching is one example. One downside is that inkBook depends on Apple's Inkwell handwriting recognition which works much better with non-script handwriting.

A 30 day trial version with no restrictions is available and the purchase price for unlocking is a mere $20US. inkBook requires OS 10.4.0 or higher and an Apple Inkwell compatible device such as a Wacom tablet.

[via MacNN]