
iPod as theological metaphor?

Metropolitan Baptist Church Pastor Sal Sberna of Houston, TX has been delivering a series of four "iPod Theology" sermons that focus on the simplicity of the iPod. Sal said that his intention is to tap into the pool of millions of iPod owners, who represent a potentially huge audience for his church.

"The reason the outside of the iPod is so simple to use and so beautiful to look at is because of the way they designed the inside of the iPod," said Sberna. "All you do on the outside is push the little button, drive the wheel and pick what usefulness you want out of your iPod, and so when Jesus talks to us about simplification, it must start on the inside." If you've had any doubts about the iPod's far-reaching appeal, consider them squashed.

Kudos to the pastor for trying to reach a younger audience by embracing some current technology. He says he hopes to one day make his sermons available as podcasts.

[Via IPod Garage]