
Survey says: Virtual Console shaping up nicely

Virtual Console Menu Mockup

"Virtual console? That isn't anything like the Virtual Boy, is it?"

As your spine and 20/20 vision will attest to, the Virtual Console and the Virtual Boy are thankfully very different things. For one thing, the Virtual Console actually lives up to its illustrious title, being able to take the shape of past Nintendo consoles (excluding the Virtual Boy) at the press of a button and allowing you to play some of your favorite games of yesteryear. It's certainly one of the Revolution's most appealing features, but the exact specifics up until now have been...well, not very specific at all.

This may have something to with the fact that Nintendo appears to still be deciding about a lot of things regarding the feature. As a leaked marketing survey (complete with menu mockups and a list of games!) uncovered by 1up seems to suggest, they're not quite sure on how games will be delivered to the player and how exactly the costs will be managed. Gauging by the questions asked in the survey, Nintendo may be considering 3 different service models:

  • Purchase: You'll pay a set price for the game of your choice, download it and then play it whenever you want.

  • Rental: You rent the games for a specified period of time. This could be implemented in a number of ways, possibly having you download the game and then "unlocking" it for a month.

  • Subscription: You pay a monthly fee which opens up the entire Virtual Console library for your playing pleasure. You download games and get to play them as long as you continue being a subscriber.

We reckon the subscription model could work if it was reasonably priced and the library continued to grow consistently, but otherwise the ancient tradition of paying a fee and permanently receiving a game has always made sense to us. What's your take? Also, be sure to check out the full article for the list of Virtual Console games that appeared in the survey!