
Fanboy Roundup: thinking outside the box

The fanboy bloggers aren't content to use their consoles for gaming alone! The power of these platforms is good for so much more than just that. DS Fanboy discovers a hack to turn that DS into a wardriving Wi-Fi scanner; PSP Fanboy ponders VoIP access on the hot little handheld (no sidetalking, ok?); and Xbox 360 Fanboy discovers a method to stream DivX content to your 360 using Windows MCE. The console manufacturers will keep trying to limit what gamers can do with them, and we'll keep letting you know to get around that. Here are the Fanboy highlights for the past week (or two):

DS Fanboy
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence import review
Wardriving on the DS
More DS art: Now in Pictomation

PSP Fanboy
Veoh Networks to cater to WebTV-hungry PSP users
PSP VoIP on the horizon?
PSP ready video via Google

Xbox 360 Fanboy

The Earth is round, the power supply is big, and other facts of life
DivX streaming solution for 360 using MCE
Release calendar for upcoming 360 titles