
Sunder Scans: Not Fake, but Not Real Either

I was intrigued when information was leaked about a supposed new Revolution game, "Sunder: Land of Divide". The leak was from an anonymous source, but the weapon renders and details were so well made that it was given some credence. Not to mention, the game itself looked fascinating, and it seemed to be using the Revolution controller in very interesting ways. For instance, to select and throw a bomb, you twist the controller right twice, then you hold A and swing the controller. The developer seemed to be embracing the newfangled control system wholeheartedly.

Well, an update has been posted. The developer, LifeSpark Studios, has confirmed that this leak was part of a viral marketing campaign designed to generate buzz about its first game. The game doesn't have a publisher yet, but by releasing part of the 60 page pitch package, the studio hoped to promote the game, even though it is a small developer with no previous releases.

The "leaked" info was interesting and professional-grade, so hopefully the added buzz will give this developer the recognition necessary to be picked up by a publisher. This isn't the first time viral marketing has worked, but it seems to be growing in popularity. If this game gets picked up, we may see small developers using this ploy more often in the future.