
How-To: get homebrew on your 2.0-2.6 PSP

Alright, so you've read about the latest eLoader that promises to get homebrew running on your PSP with version 2.0-2.6 firmware. Problem is, you can't seem to make head nor tails of the instructions on how to get this stuff working. C.K. Sample, III literally wrote the book on PSP hacks (entitled PSP Hacks, coming soon to a bookstore near you) and he's posted his how-to guide on hack a day for us to enjoy.

It goes something like this:

  • Get yourself GTA: Liberty City Stories

  • Copy over the eLoader

  • Load it up in GTA

  • Play homebrew stuff

Sure, his is a little better, and a little more thorough, but that's the gist of it. He also warns, "none of the homebrew apps that are my favorites currently run via this exploit," so you may be waiting awhile before everything gets caught up. Any intrepid Joystiqers try out this expoit?