
More info on iLoad emerges

Last November, we wrote about the iLoad, a device that allows you to rip a CD directly to your iPod. Plug in your iPod, pop in a CD, click "Play" and you're well on your way to ripping piles of CDs you didn't pay for.

Last year, the specifics on this device were very scarce, but today things are getting clearer. There are now two demo videos available (animations, really) for both the iLoad and a new device, the iLoadv. When connected to your cable box or TV, the iLoadv will record video directly to your iPod, with no computer required.

The iLoad is set to retail for $249US, with a projected shipping date of mid-April 2006. The iLoadv will sell for $149US, but no shipping date has been announced. You can pre-order either device now.

[Via MacDailyNews]