
TUAW Tip: Get your podcasts out of iTunes

This tip was posted by Nathan Nutter at his blog, but it is so simple and useful that I thought it would make a great TUAW tip. Firstly, this tip requires that you have the latest version of iTunes, since this is a new feature.

Let's say you have subscribed to a bunch of podcasts in iTunes, and you are underwhelmed with the management features and you want to move your subscriptions from iTunes to some other podcatcher or newsreader. You might think that in order to do this you will need to resubscribe to all your podcasts, but nay that isn't the case. You can export your podcast subscriptions as an OPML file, which is the industry standard for subscription lists, and import them into any newsreader or podcatcher that supports OPML (and all the good ones do). Here's how to do it:

  1. Make sure you have 'Podcasts' selected in the iTunes source list

  2. Go to File > Export Song List...

  3. After selecting 'Export Song List...' you will get a save dialog with an option to choose where to save the file, the name of the file, and the format.

  4. Change the format to 'OPML'

  5. Click save

Now all your podcast subscriptions are in one file ready to be whisked into a new podcatcher.