
Nintendo aims at Oprah's audience

More talk from Reggie Fils-Aime at the Las Vegas DICE summit now, as we take another look at Nintendo's ongoing philosophy of encouraging everyone in the family to play games. Reggie was again adamant about pushing the industry to open itself up to new types of gamers in addition to the hardcore guys. To further that end, he mentioned that Nintendo is looking at advertising in spaces that aren't traditionally occupied by gamers. Marketing through Oprah and Ellen? Nintendo thinks that's the next step.

Reggie also reiterated the company's desire to attract women and older people to the joys of gaming. Titles like Brain Age and Nintendogs are sure to make a big difference in this noble effort of getting more and more people to pick up games (and maybe even play them).

"We have been able to drive the appeal of games to a whole new segment who typically would not pick up a game. Imagine a games company targeting 50- and 60-year-olds. Imagine games as a treadmill for the mind instead of a playground for violence."

If Fils-Aime is to be believed, hardcore gamers only make up 20% of the gamer market, leaving a massive 80% (our math skills are unmatched, as you can see) of people still up for grabs. And hey, if all those people were to spend money on you, that would be nice too, right?