
A very disturbing Pokemon stylus

Disturbing Pokemon Stylus

Reader Phil Corbett sent us this photo of a Nintendo DS wrist strap and stylus that he managed to find during his exploits in Japan. As you can see, it's crafted in the image of a Pokémon character, Mew and...well, the other observation to be made makes us feel a little uncomfortable. Since the packaging is branded exclusively as Pocket Monsters and doesn't seem to feature the actual Pokémon name at all, we must assume that this isn't entirely endorsed by Nintendo. Any other explanation would indicate a dire lapse of sanity in the gaming giant's product approval department. Then again, the prominent Nintendo DS logo and Phil's insistence that it's an official product has us scratching our heads.

Just imagine playing Nintendogs with this stylus. And then promptly punch yourself in the face.

[Update: We've since found Rukario, another Mew and of course, Pikachu. These are all said to be official Nintendo products, though none of them are quite as embarrassingly strange as the one above. And yes, we know Pocket Monsters = Pokémon.]

[Thank you, Phil! And may we say what finely kept fingernails you have.]