
Gamer pride: a special kind of fashion

Your eyes meet across a crowded room: she's drawn to your "Frag the weak" t-shirt, and you smile appreciatively at her "WTB [Epic Wang]" babydoll. Like it or loathe it, gamer apparel enjoys a particularly cosy niche in the clothing market, but it's reaching the stage where you don't need to explain the mysterious slogans to everyone you meet.

Opposable Thumbs asks where you get your apparel from; there are several suppliers out there. Perhaps it's even time for gamer glitz to get mainstream--trade-show swag and imported rarities may hold weight at your local LAN, but gaming's surely trendy enough to make it into local fashion stores sooner or later. Gamer pride in the form of clothing expansion packs (patches) isn't a bad idea, either.