
PDZ and Kameo updates coming soon

Rare's letters page revealed some details on updates for both Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero. According to Kameo's lead designer, George Andreas, "Co-op over Live is currently in the last stages of debugging and should be available very soon. And there are firm plans to release more downloadable content soon after - details of which will be made available soon. Watch this space..."

A response to another post said, "We do have DLC for both Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero on the way, yes. I can't give exact details because nothing's been announced yet, but I believe it's common knowledge that there'll be more multiplayer maps available for PDZ at the very least."

Another response revealed upcoming enhancements to Perfect Dark Zero, "We're making more levels for multiplayer, and we'll be doing a title update to fix some of the annoying issues players have with the game. More news on when exactly that's going to happen will come later on down the line. Clan functionality was supposed to be available from the MGS side, but it didn't make it in for launch."

[Via Joystiq]