
The Revolution Begins

Nintendo Revolution

Now, let's not jump to conclusions. The site says Revolution Fanboy, but do you truly know what it's about? Do you understand this blog's needs, its passions, its secret desires and its dreams? Of course you don't. Allow me to provide the answers to the questions already racing through your mind.

Q: Revolution...what's that?
A: It's when you overthrow one government and replace it with another. It's also a kind flea medication for cats and dogs.

Q: Overthrowing the government? Where do I sign on?
A: No no, this blog is about the Nintendo Revolution.

Q: Nintendo is overthrowing the government?
A: Not yet, but they're certainly stirring up some controversy in the gaming industry.

Q: I'm still very interested in overthrowing the government. You had my hopes up back there.
A: Well, we don't endorse that sort of thing.

Q: And I don't endorse fanboys. I've heard of your kind.
A: True, the term of "fanboy" has become a derogatory one as of late, but we're planning to change all that. In our minds, a fanboy has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an irrepressible passion for gaming in all its forms, and this blog hopes to funnel those qualities towards the Nintendo Revolution. We've got the other machines within our peripheral vision and we respect them - it's just that we choose to make the Revolution the focal point of our internet investigations and our undoubtedly smug remarks. We're excited about it, that's all!

Q: Ah, I understand. But what's with this "we" and "us" stuff? Aren't you just one guy?
A: Well, no. Ludwig Kietzmann, Christopher Linton and Ed Stasick will be providing you with your Revolution fix. They're all mostly sane.

Q: Now you're speaking in third-person....
A: Oh yeah, well you don't even exist. We just made up all those questions as an introductory blog post. And...that wasn't even a question!

Welcome to Revolution Fanboy. It's going to be interesting.