
Confirmed: Revolution shoots laser beams

We've known for quite a while that the Revolution was sneakily harboring yet another secret, though we never expected it to be quite this amazing. At long last, the veil has been lifted to reveal...laser beams coming right at you! If a Gamespot forum poster going by the name of "MicrosoftISdumb" is to be trusted (And why not? He seems entirely reputable!), Nintendo's next innovation is the very first and very astonishing implementation of laser beam technology in a console.

After an extremely long-winded bout of praising Nintendo's philosophy and dredging up quotes out of context, the post author makes a spectacular claim: You see, these aren't the deadly laser beams you've come to associate with poorly written science-fiction shows. Oh no, these are beams of pure, sensuous, visual pleasure. Similar to technology developed by a company called Light Blue Optics, a laser mini-projector comes attached to the Revolution, with its magical beams truly bringing your action-adventures and cooking sims to startling life. It'll project all sorts of games and movies right into your living room, making you feel as if you're actually there.

Make no mistake, this is Earth-shattering news. It blows most of our past theories out of the water, illustrating yet again how accurate and reliable information gleamed from random users on an internet message board can be. Backed up by considerable laser power, there's no way the Revolution could possibly fail.

[Thanks Ph[i]l!]