
Academy Award Nominated Short Films point to movies to be the announcement of the day

Here's my thinking:

  1. This morning in the iTMS, along with some Bravo shows, we received some Academy Award Nominated Short Films. Short films? So what? We already have Pixar shorts! you retort. Ah-ha! See! These are non-Pixar films in the iTMS. The first.

  2. Kevin Rose of Digg fame didn't post "Hey, I got the scoop from my super secret source last night on all the hardware Apple is announcing tomorrow!" as he has for the last several Apple events.

  3. This article makes sense. The announcement is going to be all about movies coming to the iTMS.

After connecting the dots between these bits, I honestly don't think we'll see any new hardware announced once 9am 10am PST rolls around. I *hope* I'm wrong, but I now really think it is going to be all about movies. Also, I will be very disappointed if I am right.

The only thing that kind of weighs in favor of there being some hardware announcement is that Ryan Block from Engadget received an invitation to the event and will be there today. Check over at Engadget for the nice orderly news of the announcements. If you prefer fan-driven speculation and frothing-at-the-mouth craziness, check back later today as we have a live chatcast of the event and we try to get Ryan to leak info to us simultaneously with his feeding the info to Engadget, i.e. signal to noise issues; you've been warned ;-)