
Horipad EX Turbo controller EXists

We can't tell much from the Japanese product page, but we can EXtract the basics. The Horipad EX Turbo (built by Hori, natch) features three different turbo settings for the four face buttons, it's "officially lisensed [sic] for Xbox 360" and it will EXcel the EXcellent EXperience with EXcitement. Oh, and it's going for about $30 US.

The inclusion of features like turbo switches always makes me roll my eyes. They seem anachronistic, a holdover from third-party controllers in the NES days. What is turbo going to do for a player in Halo? It doesn't have rubber grips though, so that's a gold star for Mad Catz. I'll stick with the $11 $50 wireless version.

See also:
Insert DoA4 big stick joke here; arcade stick reviewed
3rd party controllers struggle to distinguish themselves
