
Napster points finger at Microsoft for iTunes market share

Napster's CEO, Chris Gorog, has pointed a finger at Microsoft for the dominance of the iTunes iPod combination in the digital music market. The frustrated CEO is upset with Microsoft's DRM technology and its relationship with hardware manufacturers, commenting on what many feel is the root of iPod competitors' problem: “It’s a lot more complex to get organized properly than it is to build one device and one service as Apple has done." While the debate surrounding whether Apple should license their iTunes DRM or open iPod hardware platform has many layers, there is certainly something to be said with how solid Apple is able to build this platform simply because they manage it from start to finish.

Check out the rest of the Reuters article for interviews from both Napster and Real on the state of the digital music market, as well as a humorous prediction from Gorog: "Ultimately, the consumer electronics giants ... are all going to come to this Windows Media party," he said. "This is really going to be the ubiquitous format."

[via iLounge]