
Dobry Backuper

dobry backuper

We can argue the spelling of Backuper all day, but let's just ignore the rules of English for the time being and get down to the application at hand: Dobry Backuper.

It appears the hole left by Retrospect is being filled by ever more capable applications, and Dobry's solution looks like a great one for home users. In fact, this program is really geared towards the home user, who is often tasked with keeping backups for a couple computers (or 4, as in my case). Backuper allows you to make full backups (replacing old with new in one big chunk), versioned (keeps older versions intact), or incremental (my favorite, where new or changed stuff is uploaded over the old, but anything that didn't change stays there). In summary: Dobry Backuper is similar to .Mac's Backup, except it offers more flexibility.

Some downsides exist, however, as you won't be able to administer backups from afar. Also, you'll have to create an individual backup scheme for each machine (only local Home folders can be backed up). But overall I think this is an excellent alternative to something like Retrospect, which I just never bothered to update after OS X pretty much smashed it to pieces.

[Via Apple Matters]