
Apple to outsource tech support to India

The India Times reported today that Apple is planning to set up a massive tech support center in Bangalore, India its first tech support center outside of Cupertino. The article says that Apple will hire 3,000 tech support workers in India by 2007, with up to half of those to be hired this year. Property developer RMZ Corp is allegedly creating a 1.5 lakh sq ft facility for Apple in the first phase, and 1.5 lakh sq ft in the second phase. (Anybody know how big a lakh square foot is?)

The buzz generated by this announcement includes concerns about tech support quality. Even the most politically correct among us would admit that deep down we don't relish the thought of stumbling through another tech support call to an overseas center, negotiating barriers of language and accent while trying to unravel computer problems. The effect of overseas outsourcing on local tech support workers is another concern. What will happen to Apple's support center in Cupertino?

Apple declined to comment, telling the Times that it was premature to talk about it. However, an Indian government official told the paper that it had cleared Apple's investment proposal, and that operations should begin within two months.

Update: It seems that a lakh is a traditional way to say 100,000, so Scott, our resident units and measures dude, thinks that Apple is building a 150,000 square foot facility which is also known as freakin' huge.