
Mamiya ZD 22-megapixel DSLR is here ... finally

If you've been waiting for the 22-megapixel Mamiya ZD digital SLR, we've got good news and bad news for you. (Yeah, we know that sounds familiar. It's that kind of day.) First the good news: Nearly two years after being announced, the ZD is here, and is making its way into the dealer channel. The bad news? Nearly two years after being announced, the ZD is here, and is making its way into the dealer channel -- at a price of about $12,000. Lens not included. Is it worth it? Let's just say that if you want a 22-megapixel SLR with a full-frame CCD and compatiblity with Mamiya lenses, you don't have a lot of other choices (other than a digital back, that is). And we assume you've been using the last two years to save up for this, so laying down that cash should be no problem, right?