
Metareview - Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter

Reviews of Ubisoft and Tom Clancy's newest license to print money have finally begun to appear in some quantity and the consensus is... impressive.

  • Team Xbox (93%) - "Ubisoft is not only kicking the door in with Advanced Warfighter, they are taking the whole damn building down along with it! Despite a few questionable decisions, such as the lack of any Southpaw support, or the ability to lean in multiplayer, the game is everything we've come to expect since it was first shown a year ago."

  • Gamespot (92%) - "If you like shooters or action games, and you own an Xbox 360, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is a must-own for your library. A solid and challenging campaign and a unique, online-co-op mode combine with an unmatched presentation in what is arguably the best game yet on the Xbox 360."

  • IGN (92%) - "GRAW is fundamentally the same methodically paced, squad-based sniper game of yesteryear, but the formula has been enhanced, polished, and realized in ways it's never been capable of reaching in prior generations. Of course, the online portion is vast, impressive, and deep in replay value, and it may very well be the reason to finally get on and stay on Xbox Live for the first time in this console's short history."

As if you needed any more reason to get this game! The reviews are universally glowing: Gamerankings has a cumulative rating of 91% thus far, while Metacritic has 92%. The major gripe appears to be the lack of options in controller-layouts, a long standing pet peeve of gamers--especially lefties--everywhere! Come on game devs, this is like having a save-everywhere function on handheld titles--it's not an option, it's mandatory!