
100g HD rumor: Ignorance is bliss

If you're the type of person who enjoys a little self-delusion at the end of a long work day, you've probably already bought the happy internet rumor that Best Buy will soon be offering premium 360 bundles with 100 gig hard drives. Joystiq commenter James, also a totally anonymous, unverified low-level Best Buy employee has a more plausibe scenario:

Incorrect. Best Buy is holding back its 360 units because it is having a giant April gaming promotion, featuring online contests, tons of 360s on a daily basis (or something like that), and a contest for its employees and Media Supervisors.

This was revealed to the supervisors on Saturday, after a previous e-mail noted that we should not expect our regular 360 shipments for a bit.

I myself choose to remain self-deluded in lieu of the purchase of my super-secret-double-premium Best Buy package with 100 gig HD, relaxed copyright protection and value-added 80-inch plasma display.

Update: MS has officially shot down this pipe dream.