
Insider Roundup weekly: March 9-18

The last week-and-a-half's happenings from Azeroth courtesy of WoW Insider, Joystiq's very own World of Warcraft blog:

  • Blizzard will be fielding a Horde team in Warsong Gulch on the US Honor Contest realm, so if you'd like to try your hand against the game's creators, roll Alliance and be ready for a fight! more»

  • ..researchers at Brunel University counter that modern online games such as WoW can actually help prepare children for social & business interaction within the real world. more»

  • ... He programmed a few shortcuts into his keyboard ... and spent a day trying to raise his weapon skills by fighting low-level monsters, using the programmed macros. Blizzard spotted this ... and consequently banned his account. more»

  • I waste enough actual money in my life to ever be able to live with myself if I were to buy fake money. more»