
Shots of Sony's PSP accessories: EyeToy, GPS, PSone support

Gamespot has some slides from Wednesday's PlayStation Business Briefing showing off the announced PSP peripherals, like the USB EyeToy, the PSP-290 GPS receiver, and the Memory Stick you're gonna load up classic PSone games on to. Alright, that last one doesn't really look that cool in the picture but trust us, it's pretty cool!

The EyeToy is due in September and the GPS receiver in October, so it would really have a nice ring to it if the PSone emulator and download service dropped in November. An even better release date would be "now" so we can play something besides ScummVM and GTA.

See also:

SCEA: PSP price drop to $199 on March 22nd; EyeToy, GPS, and PSone game-download support coming later
PS3 worldwide in November

[Via Engadget]