
Firmware hack sets sail?

So much for the hacker code of ethics regarding that fabled firmware hack. Modchip maker TeamXecuter says they (or someone else) will release what those landlubbers in the Netherlands won't:

We have made some progress with a new read/patch/write app and no doubt you will all be plugging in your drives to your PC and having some fun shortly - all for free too as no modchips required (and yes we still want to play!)

Here is what we envisage...

Connect Xbox 360 DVD-ROM to PC
App to update firmware with magic code
Connect DVD-ROM back to 360 - and away you go

...Obviousley the only use for this is piracy - hence you wont see any modchips (not from us at least - however they wouldn't be needed anyway - however we do have a few cheap tools to make life much easier - more on that soon) Still a long long way off from unsigned code - but it's a start....

Thanks to The Specialist for reviving the scene! We understand he doesn't want to release anything due to possible backlash - but there are many of us who would - and will.

Keep your eyes on our 360 forums for updates.....

Arrrrrr, score one for shivered timbers and moral relativism. TeamXecuter is directing people toward something that looks an awful lot like a DVD drive hacking tutorial, if you're clever enough to understand all the ones and zeros.

Update: From the comments: Curry from Xboxic notes that firmware hacker Robinsod (not from the Netherlands) laughed at TeamXecuter's "wildly inaccurate" claims during his interview and said this is going to lead to alot of amateurs with bricked 360s. TeamXecuter says they're not trying to take credit for anybody's work and and that "flamers and bitchers should stfu."