
Battlestar producer astounded by GDC

"Startling," "eye-opening," "impressed"--all phrases candidly thrown out by Battlestar Galactica producer Ron Moore as he blogged about his experience at the Game Developers Conference this year.

Moore, on hand to give a talk on properly adapting an IP to video game (a write-up can be found here, courtesy of Next Generation), notes that he is a former gamer from the "Classic Atari era," who has since lost that lovin' feeling. His time at the GDC was uplifting, it seems--Moore praises the industry for its restlessness and skepticism, whose leaders "were eager to move on, to find the next great idea and push the boundaries of the business to the next level." Moore was impressed by the conversations he heard, although it is unclear whether he was impressed by the creativity or the sheer amount of technological lingo that flew over his head.

There are dozens of choice quotes that Moore gives extolling the games industry and business, and we hope his words are sincere, and not reciprocation for all the adoring Galactica fans in attendance. It is always refreshing for an outsider to look in and give his or her take on the state of affairs.

[Thanks, LaughingMan]