
Moto not so hot on Cool.Prepaid?

Was it just a few short days ago that MVNO Cool.Prepaid was boasting that it was offering RAZRs to its customers -- and would soon follow up with SLVRs? It was actually just a week ago, but it may seem like it was another era to Cool's execs, now that Motorola has reportedly broken ties with the company. According to PhoneScoop, Moto has stopped supplying Cool with phones, and as of today, if you try to buy a Moto phone from Cool's web store, you'll get an out-of-stock message. We tried this out, and didn't get hit with an out-of-stock screen, though we chickened out at the "Review Order" page. If Cool is indeed hitting customers with an out-of-stock message at the final stage of the order process (after taking credit card and shipping info), they're not about to win over any fans. However, at this point, we'll give them the benefit of the doubt -- even if we're not ready to click to that next screen and give them our money.