
Considering iPod etiquette

Newsvine user LT was recently inspired to compose his own version of iPod etiquette, after witnessing two specific events: A man who was listening to his iPod while sitting with friends in a noisy bar, and a younger boy who sat plugged in during dinner with his family in a restaurant (my parents would never have let me get away with this particular stunt). Personally, I once saw a pair of people walking around, one plugged in one not, carrying on a conversation. I know that if I were the "iPod-less" member of that party, I'd be quite annoyed with my partner. It all reminds me of Marco Siebertz's senior thesis exploring the social implications of wearing headphones in public.

Here are the rules that LT has come up with. As he says, "...feel free to add yours."

  1. If you are with people take the headphones out.

  2. If someone is trying to talk to you take the headphones out.

  3. You don't need your iPod to eat.

  4. If there is loud music in the room the iPod is not necessary.