
Japanese hardware sales: The Lite fantastic

Usually, this paragraph is reserved for detailing some sort of absurd story that eventually concludes with me obtaining the latest Japanese sales chart. This week, I thought I'd try something completely different and jump straight to the point, deftly dodging all the nonsense that merely ends up delaying you from getting to the information you so desperately desire. "The readers are sure to appreciate that," I said to myself. I immediately started working on this post, vowing that I wouldn't waste reams and reams of text on an inconsequential setup to what is likely to be a pretty weak joke.

Japanese sales chart for the week ranging from 27 March to 2 April, here we come! The ranking, according to number of units sold, is a follows:

  • DS Lite: 149,371

  • Phat DS: 59,903

  • PSP: 36,943

  • PS2: 33,301

  • GBA SP: 6,732

  • Xbox 360: 3,258

  • Game Boy Micro: 2,992

  • Gamecube: 1,492

  • GBA: 151

  • Xbox: 68

The DS Lite is still obliterating the rest of the chart and shows no signs of relenting. The only interesting thing this week is that the Xbox 360 seems to have gained a little sales momentum, moving up a few spaces and overtaking the Game Boy Micro and the Gamecube in the process.

Previous Japanese hardware charts: