
Peter Moore talks about their E3 plans

In a hard-hitting, take no prisoners interview with the interrogators at, Peter Moore couldn't help but let a couple of juicy E3 news nuggets slip past his iron grip of forbearance. What are we talking about? The Halo 3 release date of course!

You guys didn't really believe that, did you? Good. Here's what the man with the plan had to say about their E3 plans: "It is our goal to bring E3 home to Xbox Live members as best we can, all the videos and the news as quickly as possible...We will give you the flavor of what's going on, on the show floor and some of the stuff that we are showing and debuting here."

So Xbox 360ers can check out all the goings on in HD right on their 360s from home? Sounds like a good deal. What worries me is how that interface is going to hold up to plenty of new content coming out of E3...I have a hard enough time navigating around to get demos. Of course for some more text-oriented E3 coverage, you can always check out Joystiq and Xbox 360 Fanboy, who'll be geeking out in LA come May.

[Thanks, TOMCATS]