
Play ball: MLB 2K6 patched

I used up every baseball metaphor in the record book complaining about the flaws in MLB 2K6, so I'm duty-bound to report an auto-update has been released:

2K Sports has finalized a solution that solves the issue found with Xbox 360 HDD systems when playing Major League Baseball 2K6. The 2K Sports QA team pinpointed and confirmed with Microsoft a cache issue with replays that users with the HDD systems may encounter. The cache issue has been limited to less than 10% of the Major League Baseball 2K6 Xbox 360 users. When these machines are powered down during gameplay, the cache on the HDD may become corrupted and may result in the system “freeze” issue. 2K Sports has isolated the cause and has created a Title Update to correct this issue that is now available.

Now all we need is an update for the rest of this mediocre game, not to mention the entire disappointing batch of 360 sports titles (sparing FNR3). If the 2K7 line-up isn't vastly improved, I may stick to Uno.