
Fast posting to with Pukka 1.0

Pukka (pronounced: puck-uh) is "a minimalist posting client for" It is a very slim but powerful stand-alone client that features tag auto-completion, handling of multiple accounts, Bonjour discovery of other Pukka users, bookmarklets, Growl alerts, .weblog and .url compatibility, keyboard navigation and more.

It looks like a good amount of time and, perhaps more importantly, a lot of thought went into Pukka 1.0. I remember hearing its name when beta versions of NNW 2.1 started landing, which is another advantage Pukka has: it should be able to work with most newsreader apps that can either post links to with an external editor, or readers that use some kind of 'blog this' functionality.

Pukka is a Universal Binary. A demo is available, and a license will cost a mere $5.