
NBA 2K6 update fouls out

2K Sports continues to test their bugged-out games the way Shaq shoots free throws, which is to say poorly. Reader Trevor complains:

I loaded up NBA 2K6 for the 360 earlier this week and it prompted me for a forced update. After the update I played a game and the crib points (rewards for in game acheivements to buy in game stuff) were totally messed up. For example, I got one rebound and got the 10 rebound reward, I scored 10 points and I got the 100 point reward, made 2 free throws and I got the 15 free throw award etc.....

Obviously the patch screwed up the stat recording by a factor of 10. Dozens of people have been complaining on the 2k forums The question is why wasn't this caught. It's blatently obvious in the first 10 seconds of playing the game. No testing what so ever.

A road trip to the forums finds plenty of complaints and no answers. How many fouls does 2K get before people just stop buying their products?