
A guide to Joystiq star-whoring

We're often asked why some comments result in positive stars and why some result in loss of stars, so this explainer will, we hope, provide some clarity around the star system.

Here's what we're looking for from commenters:

  • Added value: Does the comment add value to the discussion? Does the comment add a new dimension to the topic? Does it ask a good question? Is it unique and interesting?

  • Impartiality: A commenter who consistently promotes one console (or attacks the other consoles or systems) will never make the top commenters list. We're hunting for commenters who aren't suffering from a severe case of Fanboyitis. We often review a commenter's history prior to rewarding stars and are careful not to allow extreme partisans of any one system into the top 20.

  • Civility: Ad hominem attacks and rough language tend to confuse issues, not clarify them. We're looking for comments that stay on topic and avoid cheap shots.

  • Other: Humor, punch, wit, and bribes all help too.

By the way, these are all qualities we're looking for when we hire bloggers for Joystiq, so these criteria are consistent with our editorial mission of providing balanced blogging of the video game industry.

One last note on comments: the cream will rise to the top. Quality commenters will, over time, gain more stars than they lose.

Your questions on the star system answered in the comments, below.