
Next-gen Rez sequel in the cards? [update 2]

In an interview with Eurogamer, Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Meteos, Lumines, Space Channel 5) spoke briefly on the possibilities of a sequel to Rez, the trippy Dreamcast game that attemped a form of synaesthesia with its design. In discussing next-generation possibilities, Mizuguchi noted that he was looking to make "a Rez kind of experience." When further pressed on the matter, Mizuguchi asserted that, if SEGA were to approach him to make a Rez sequel, he is "currently seriously considering it. It's always there. I'm always thinking about it."

If the sequel were to be made, on what console? Let's examine the possibilities:

  • Nintendo Wii: Mizuguchi said he was interested in "high-def sounds and visuals," a selling point Nintendo has side-stepped. Mizuguchi both complement and critiqued the Wiimote, calling it "a very special controller," although noting its uniqueness may impede the chances of porting to multiplatforms ("because you want to give the game the best chance" for exposure and success). That said, the Wiimote's motion sensor could make a great fit for the original Rez's control scheme. Mizuguchi has worked with Nintendo before, bringing Meteos to the Nintendo DS.

  • Microsoft Xbox 360: Mizuguchi has supported the Xbox 360 with Ninety-Nine Nights and Lumines Live. The developer noted that he is looking into "what kind of games [he] can make in terms of high-def sounds and visuals."

  • Sony PlayStation 3: Also capable of high-definition visuals and sounds, the DualShake has limited motion sensor that could complement the original Rez's control scheme. The original Rez appeared on PlayStation 2 (as a port from the Dreamcast), so there is precedent there. However, the PlayStation 3 controller does lack a rumble feature, which was key to the first Rez.

Rez was listed among the top 10 hidden gems of this generation, and for a reason: it's a unique game big on atmosphere a finely executed. A next-generation iteration would make us giddy, but we must ask: will it have a trance vibrator?

[Via PS3 Fanboy]

[update 1: Added more to the PlayStation 3 discussion: clarified that the "original" Rez is on the Dreamcast and that the PS2 is a port. Also noted, as it needs to be said, that the PS3 DualShake lacks a rumble feature.]

[update 2: Further clarified its Dreamcast, and not PS2, origins. Diehard Rez fans are hard to come by, and we love it when we find them.]