
Intempo Digital's Buddy pink GPS

This one goes out to all the ladies and lovers of pink: feeling a little estranged by all the man-gadgets, or tiring of the unisex gray / black plastic or metal look? Intempo Digital's new Buddy (no, not the De La Soul kind of Buddy) is pink, and that's about it -- they're pretty shy with specs and any hard information on the unit, but from what we can tell, it does 2D and 3D maps, has the usual history and favorite locations, POIs, and is, um, pink. As you can probably tell, the selling point here is pink. Of course, we'd like to think the kinds of ladies who read Engadget wouldn't merely be wooed into buying anything due to its heteronormatively femmy color, but remember what a great gift the pink RAZR turned out to be, guys?

[Via Shiny Shiny]