
Emergency Maintenance

An issue that was preventing players from logging on has resulted in the following realms being brought down for emergency maintenance at 4:15 PM PDT this afternoon. The plan is to have them back online by 8:00 PM PDT. Offline are: Aegwynn, Aerie Peak, Akama, Alleria, Altar of Storms, Anetheron, Archimonde, Cenarion Circle, Cenarius, Crushridge, Dalaran, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Duskwood, Eldre'Thalas, Garona, Hyjal, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel'Thuzad, Khadgar, Kilrogg, Lethon, Lightbringer, Mal'Ganis, Moonrunner, Norgannon, Spirestone, Steamwheedle Cartel, Stormrage, Turalyon, Uldaman, Uther, and Zuluhed. My server's on this list, too, so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that whatever is being done doesn't really take four hours to complete.