
Self Esteem Boost: PSP horror stories

I can bet that you aren't the type of person who ever thought that playing Lumines in the shower is a good idea. You've probably never struggled with the need to spit some hot Yoga Fire while hanging from your toes atop a high building. If you have had any of these urges, and actually went through with them, having walked away with your PSP completely unharmed, then you need to head on over the official PSP forums for some of the funniest saddest stories ever told.

I mean, honestly, why would you ever think that playing your PSP near water, let alone while floating in a pool of it, would be a good idea? I want to be sympathetic to these fine posters' plight, but when daring your father to destroy your expensive handheld, something which he is already very perturbed with, you kind of had it coming.

How about some other horror stories?

[Via PSP Nation]