
'Finder' love on the PSP

Finder Love (PSP)

Capcom's Finder Love will be released this week for PSP. Haven't heard of it? Well, unfortunately it's a Japan-only title. But the good news is, it's region free.

We designed a short quiz to help you decide if it's worth importing:
1) Do you enjoy photography?
2) Do you like Japanese idol girls?
3) Would you be willing to share them with your friends?

If you answered 'Yes' to at least two of the above, then we strongly recommend importing Finder Love. And for those of you who answered 'No' to Question 3, consider Play-Asia's special combo package, which features the Peep Guard Filter, so you can keep your new friends all to yourself. Or better, book your next vacation to Royal College of Art in London and try to steal score the PSP face scarf. Not that chasing virtual hotties around with a camera is something you need to hide...

[via GameBrink]