
Ridge Racer & Exit sequels bound for PSP, reports Famitsu



reports that Namco Bandai is developing a Ridge Racer sequel for PSP. Ridge Racers 2 (Japanese title) will feature 18 courses from previous games -- ranging from Ridge Racer to R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 -- and will come packed with six car classes. Unfortunately, the multiplayer will remain 8-player ad-hoc. Ridge Racers 2 is scheduled for a September release in Japan.

A sequel to Exit, Taito's throwback action-puzzler, is also in the works. Kangaeru Exit (Japanese title) will include 110 new levels, plus bonus downloadable stages, and will reportedly downplay action elements, focusing more on puzzle solving. Of course, what made the action fall flat in the original Exit was unresponsive controls -- let's hope the team attends to this issue as well. Like Ridge Racers 2, Kangaeru Exit is on track for a September release in Japan.