
Get that WoW angst off your chest

Are you a recovering World of Warcraft addict? Do you feel the need to tell the world just how you feel about this little game that sucked up hours upon hours of your life? Well now, thanks to WoW Detox, you can!

Join hundreds of other WoW refugees in one big wahmbulance party as you commiserate with your fellow online griefers on just why this game really blew the big one for you. Choice quotes include:

  • I can only get owned by 14 year old's so many times.

  • A masters degree feels more satisfying than tier 2 epics.

  • Because cartoon nipples just don't do it for me anymore.

  • Because my wife divorced me, took half my money, and the credit card I used to pay for WoW.

  • Because it isn't as good as everyone thinks it is. I don't need to play Super Diablo II Turbo anymore.

So, if you feel like you just can't hold it in anymore, head on over to WoW Detox and feel the pain.

[Thanks, Denbowski]