
Gears of War + Church = Good Design

CliffyB, the lovable Mario master behind Gears of War, recently sat down with to discuss (what else?) Gears of War. The topics covered include the characters, enemies, weapon design, and co-op among other things. On the possibility of a feature film:

"The only way we'd ever consider doing a film of our property would be if the absolute right people were attached who understood not only the game and its universe but also the (hopefully!) rabid fanbase that we'd like to acquire."

Also of particular interest is the dev team's inspiration for the game's locales:

"I kept pushing for beautiful environments; you can have a post-apocalyptic world but why does it always have to be boring industrial buildings and concrete bunkers? One of the most inspiring moments that really secured the idea of this European influence on the architecture happened one day at Saint Paul's Cathedral in London."

See the cathedral after the break. Just try and tell me it doesn't make you want to kill the locust horde.

Hit the read link for the whole interview.