
The PSP Fanboy video sandwich

I present to you, late-night PSP Fanboy reader, my Fan-made PSP video sandwich. A video on top and a video on bottom, with some tasty commentary by me in the middle. And, I can guarantee that this sandwich has no trans fat. These videos have been unearthed from the depths of the internet. They would've been posted earlier, but they're not really too funny. They are, however, an interesting testament of the PSP fanboy spirit. The video on top is a great tutorial on the various functions of the PSP, marred only by the constant use of immature sex jokes. I like to be a bit more subtle in my efforts.

The video on the bottom successfully recreates the Hackers Versus Sony story from earlier, but now with Star Wars music and Really Awkward And Random Capitalization! Enjoy, and expect some real PSP news in the morning.