
IGN interrogates Miyamoto-san

I <3 Shiggy

Shigeru Miyamoto recently sat down with IGN to speak vaguely on upcoming projects and various Wii-related topics. The origins of the Wiimote and nunchuck attachment are discussed, as well as left-handed gamers, the classic controller, and the controller's internal speaker. He speaks of an upcoming game in which all four players will use the same Wiimote, and the speaker will call out player names to indicate whose turn it is.

Finally, the article seems to confirm that the nunchuck will come packaged with the console. We really didn't think Nintendo would stiff us like that...after all, their first three huge games (Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, and Super Mario Galaxy) all require its use...but it's nice to know. Head on over for the details.

[Thanks, Alex!]