
Overview of the top-5 LCD makers 2Q results

O.K. we have covered most of the top-tier LCD manufactures 2Q financial results so far, but here is a quick overview for all those that want to see them side-by-side. There is tons of more info found after the read link.

  • Samsung - 14.11 trillion in revenues (KRW)- 1.51 trillion in profit

  • LG - 5.796 trillion (KRW)- (10 billion loss)

  • Philips - 7.601 billion (EUR) - 301 million in profit

  • Sharp - 693 billion yen - 23.8 billion in profit

  • Sony - 1.7442 trillion yen - 30.75 billion in profit

KRW - Koren won - 1 South Korean won = 0.00105038707 U.S. dollar
EUR - Euro - 1 Euro = 1.26300 U.S. dollar