
Sopranos 360 takes a dirt nap

The latest next-gen casualty appears to be the 360 version of THQ's upcoming Sopranos game. Gamespot reports that the HBO mob series will only see a PlayStation 2 release ... for now.

According to Wired magazine's Game|Life blog, the company decided to pull the team off the 360 version and put all focus on the PS2 release. And why would they do that? Apparently, the 360 version wasn't lookin' so hot. They paraphrase Game Informer as saying, "The company claimed that the next-gen version didn't look all that much better than the PlayStation 2 version, so why not focus both teams on one project?"

Game|Life then goes on to point out a good guess by a GAF poster: that perhaps THQ is merely delaying a 360 Sopranos because a holiday launch would have been shaky with teams split in two. Maybe once the PS2 title is released, all focus can return to puttin' a little polish on that next-gen version. Certainly by that time, the install base for the 360 would have increased, thereby stuffing everyone's pockets with more money. As Mos Def says, it's all mathematics.

[Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]