
Where Wii are: the timeline

In case you happen to have undergone severe head trauma and have tragically forgotten the winding history of the Wii, Nintendo Wii News has put together a happy little timeline to help you out. A few highlights:

  • December 23rd 2004: The Japanese magazine Shuukan Diamond reported that the Nintendo Revolution controller will not feature a D-Pad and the A and B button combo that has marked every Nintendo controller.

  • September 15th, 2005: Revolution controller revealed! Fans simultaneously cheer, sob, and rail against the unfairness of it all. It was sorta like Cats, except not.

  • April 27th, 2006: The infamous "Wii" announcement. Critics decry the change, which Nintendo defended as part of their new strategy to bring gaming to everyone.

If you are looking to recover from that freakish brain damage mentioned above, or are just jonesing for a concentrated Wii fix, the timeline has the sweet, sweet info that you need.