
Wii: the fact, the fiction, and the far-out

From all of the recaps, roundups, and rundowns lately, you'd think the Wii launch was approaching or something! Seems like every gaming site out there is scampering, quick like bunnies, to collect the best set of Wii info, and GameworldNetwork's compilation of Wii rumors is gunning for the lead on that. Their two part series leaves no rumor unexamined, from the name (RiP Revolution, long live Wii) to the hardware.

We can't help but feel somewhat amused at the list-frenzy, however. The Wii isn't even out yet and the gaming press is waxing nostalgic about the good ol' days when we thought the Wii would fry our brains with lasers or feature stressball-like throttle grips. The pictures make the whole thing worth it, though. We'd kinda like to get one of those gyroscopes in a hat.

[Thanks to Matt Hestill for this one!]