
WWDC tomorrow at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST. Be there.

Alright everybody, things get busy tomorrow when His Steveness kicks off WWDC 2006 at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST. We'll be on hand to cover the event, as well as to provide any live pre-game coverage, including Jonathan Ive's tailgater and the filming of WWDC Parking Lot. Be sure to stay tuned for late-breaking leaks (yay) and rumors (boo), and click on for some more shots of the made-over Moscone here in San Francisco (including that silly WWDC banner).

Update: Makes sense to provide a few more time zones so you know when to show up if you're not on one coast or the other. Here, this oughta help a little:

7:00AM - Hawaii
10:00AM - Pacific
11:00AM - Mountain
12:00PM - Central
1:00PM - Eastern
5:00PM - GMT
6:00PM - London
7:00PM - Paris
2:00AM - Tokyo (August 8th)

Well, at least they're not being secretive about which event this is.

Security guard looking like he's having a blast.

The cutoff MacBook Pro -- it's just the entrance, people, nothing being hidden here.