
Bully will stuff you in locker in October

Reuters reports that Rockstar's potentially volatile Bully will be coming out in October for the PlayStation 2. The game, which is sure to get soccer moms and the like all up in arms about video game violence, is actually about a kid who is trying to fend off the pig-headed menaces:

The game's main character is 15-year-old Jimmy Hopkins, who must defend himself against school bullies at a fictional U.S. boarding school called Bullworth Academy, while dealing with characters ranging from nerds and jocks to authoritarian prefects. Weapons included baseball bats that break after several blows, stink bombs and bags of marbles that when strategically thrown will lay flat most pursuers.

Now, as Rockstar says, the game "can speak for itself. People can look at the game and see what it is and what it's not."

[Thanks, Shizzle]